you're just a boy, you don't understand
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008

hey guys. hmm.. im thinking of stuff to blog about.
its very boring.
sigh. im pretty happy these days. coz i learned a lot
okay. here. wait.

i dont really get why life is so hard.
i kept on saying that, like everyday of my life,until one day of course.
coz that day, i really had this very big problem with my life.
and then, a very good friend of mine, my best friend,
she told me that, life cant be what you expect it to be.
there are some times when its difficult and easy.
but, in those times, you should always remember, that you're not alone.
and you'll never be alone.
coz, first of all your family is there to be with you, to guide you.
and of course, your friends will always be there for you, no matter what.
i mean, your true friends.
they are there with you, at your side, to help you in your problems.
coz they know that everything will be ok again.
you just have to trust god and yourself.
you just have to understand that life is like that.
you just have to understand and learn from it.
you just have to be patient.
coz it will make you a better person.
your mistakes, move on, but never forget.
always understand it, because that's life.
just trust and always remember: you're not alone. ;)

well, that's all i can think about. HAHA.
thanks for reading people, :))
next time na lang. :))

there's beauty in the breakdown

hey sunshine

devy lyza mae gomez here.
may 5, 1996. 12 years old.
for now, that's that. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR! :*

shut up & listen :)

now playing: so what by pink! :)


a new phone, shopping money! HAHA!

spit it out


my lovers

ella ilano
trina andaya
chelly patalud
katrina maranan
gabby flores
josh concepcion
sandy palacios
monica lopez


May 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008


designer joy.deprived
fonts&brushes xxx
images x
image hosting x

Adobe Photoshop CS3, Macromedia Dreamweaver 8.0
